Ramblin On

Rambling On...and on..and on..., Somewhere down South, United States
Finding the humor in this world, particularly adept at laughing at the absurdities in myself...learning to live in the moment

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

"True" spirit of the holidays

Long break from blogging...

No REAL excuses, really...a hiatus, but I'm baaaaaack! (ah..run away! run away!)

Christmas in My World

In my world, the annual kid's Christmas picture is a time-honored tradition that the kids dread like the first day of school after the holiday break! Over the years, it has evolved into the festival of dysfunction that we know and love today.

Thankfully, we went completely digital last year, negating the need for the Sam's Club-size multi-pack of film required. (Anyone who has ever tried to get one or two "decent" shots of kids in front of a Christmas tree is nodding in empathetic agreement right now.) With the digital option, we either delete the rejects or save them for future blackmailing options, whichever seems the right way to go!

One of the more creative ways I coerce the kids into sitting for some 96 pictures in a row
is by allowing them each to "stage" or "position" themselves and their siblings for a few shots. However, to make sure I get what I need first, these opportunities are saved for last.
Depending on the child and the mood they are in, this can be both entertaining and provide them with an opportunity for retaliation.

This year,
for the first time EVER,
they actually cooperated and collaborated with each other!
(GASP!) I know!

The resulting photos were not, despite much loud protesting and complaining, distributed in the annual Christmas cards. But there was so very MUCH of the spirit of the moment contained in these images that I can't NOT put them somewhere they can be seen!

And so here it is ~ inspired by the cooperative spirit of the kids.

The Theme?

A Holiday Mystery -
MURDER under the Tree...

Says VOLUMES about how thrilled everyone was this year!

Then again, take a look at this and previous years' not used pictures...

hands around neck..hmm...

destroy the hair...yeah...

perhaps my favorite in embodying the "truth" of the love shared...

2003's contribution...

And so it is!

Just wanted to share this aspect of holiday joy. :)

Holla atcha later!

~finding the humor...