Ramblin On

Rambling On...and on..and on..., Somewhere down South, United States
Finding the humor in this world, particularly adept at laughing at the absurdities in myself...learning to live in the moment

Tuesday, November 30, 2004

The Scope of a theme

Remember how I said I keep stubbing my toes on the same damn thematic rocks left in my path? Well...
Here is a prime example of something I randomly picked up,
but just happened to dovetail with what I meant.
Paraphrasing does indeed take away from the flavor and originality of it,
but in the spirit of saving space and eye strain,
I have whittled it down a bit.
Last week's 'scope Summary...
" ...the energy has the potential for learning from the past...
What happens is, events happen where we "assume something"...
Often it's faulty information given to us by others, but we're quick to accept it,
because inwardly that's what we'd like to think or believe...
(most of the time to "prove to ourselves" that we are, or were correct about something)...
... the main ingredient needed with chart energy like this is "Faith"...
..people seem to have the hardest time actually living it. ...
energy like this often brings us into situations where we're asked to choose between something we inwardly want to believe
(even when it might hurt, because it's easier)
or to see the core-level truth...

I've made just about every mistake there is to make
The worse part about it is
I've made the same mistakes repeatedly.
... I allowed my soul to cry to out (for help)
Like everything else in this life, the "Crying Out" part comes easily...
It's the willingness to listen and learn
(even if that means discovering that you were wrong or to blame)...
The Sun teams up with Uranus this week...
brings out the intensity of this transit...
"Faith" is something that sometimes has to be endured for extended periods of time...
Now 'days, we all "want what we want" instantly
and get fidgety when things don't happen as fast as we'd like them to
Imagine what guys like Moses musta thought...
Walkin' round in the freakin' desert for FORTY FREAKIN' years fercrissakes...
Imagine what would have happened if Moses got tired of waiting,
Lost Faith,
then tried to blame it upon someone else... (you know the drill)...
maintain "Faith"...
even when everybody & everything else appears to be against you...
There's no "woe is me" in this voice of mine .
I've been "put to the test" more times that I'd like to recall...
but somehow I still believe in my dreams...
I still got that "Faith" inside me...
Perhaps it's easier when I realize it's not something I have to do
it's more about trusting the "Validity of the Spirit"
Knowing that some of the best magic & miracles happen and occur
when everything appears to be quite the opposite.
I just have to trust the Spirit and follow the path it creates for me...
Even when things don't happen as I expected or wanted them to.
Ya see, I've learned a lot of the lesson.
I've touched some of the magic.
I could get "full of myself".
But part of what the Spirit has revealed to me
is that it only reveals "PART OF THE MESSAGE" to us as individuals.
It delivers the other part to someone else
the only way we have to get the "Totality of the Message"
is find a way to get past our egos... or our "perceptions"
and embrace the truth.
the "righter you are, the more you're wrong"
This is a golden opportunity for each of us this week
to get past the limitations and past perceptions
and take the chance to embrace our dreams.
The sad truth is that most won't have the balls or the desire to do anything different...
The "fear" element can be so strong
many "turn away"
Don't do that.
You're never given a dream without the possibility for it come true."
((Daniel Whelland Dowd))
Currently Listening to:Feels Like Rain ~John Hiatt